Blog v Wiki
Both blogs and wikis allows for the sharing of information for a wide audience the can be accessed by almost anyone with internet access. The main difference is in the content, regarding who gets to access to write, share, edit, and publish. In blogs, the person who owns the account is the single author that can write, edit, and publish content, although there is a comments section where readers can add their thoughts. A wiki is an open source that allows anyone to be able to edit and publish information on the site. Wikis refer to a collaborative environment with every participant being an author, where participants can work together on an idea.(1) Convergence is something important in today's world with new media and technology. Old media had merged with new technology such as newspapers being available online or on an app. Blogs are like personal journals but with the added effect of using technology and sharing it with an audience online. Wikis are like encyclopedias, the old