
On social media there has been an increasing loss of privacy and confidentiality. Social media enables the sharing of private information for a wide audience. The information that users share on social media lead to their loss of privacy, it can expose their name, picture, their date of birth, location, family members, among many other things. When posting an update or sharing a picture they can expose their current location, what they plan on doing and even exposes their likes, leaving users vulnerable. The information shared on social media is never really private and even if deleted, is never actually gone. There is an also a loss of privacy due to amount of information these sites are collecting on users to then share with other companies. The data that users themselves share about themselves and the activity of these users on these sites has become valuable information in today's age. Companies constantly attempt to gather the most information possible, the more detailed, the more valuable. However, the ways that companies gather this information is not always clear. These are stated in the terms and conditions of use but these are not actually read by users. The sharing of information by users themselves, and the sharing of information of these users by social media sites to outside companies lead to a loss in privacy and confidentiality.


  1. I agree with you on how social media is now limiting a persons privacy and really like the way you worded your blog post! It's very unfortunate that when we all share about our lives on our social networking sites, it doesn't remain concealed. I also really like how you mentioned that when you delete something, it doesn't completely go away because I feel like that's a big misconception and something most people are not aware of.


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